
Publication Ethics Statement

Science is built on integrity and reliability, and the value of scientific research largely depends on this. Scientific research is also subject to a range of ethical, legal, and professional norms and frameworks, and should adhere to relevant ethical guidelines. The "Journal of Electric Power Science and Technology" is committed to maintaining high standards through rigorous peer review and strict ethical policies. Any misconduct, such as plagiarism, data fraud, or authorship misrepresentation, should be treated seriously by the editors with zero tolerance.

Author Responsibilities

  1. Authors of original research reports should present the work performed and its significance objectively. Underlying data should be accurately represented in the paper. The paper should contain sufficient details and references to enable others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or knowingly false statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
  2. If the work involves the use of animals or human subjects, authors should ensure that the manuscript includes a statement indicating that all procedures comply with relevant laws and institutional guidelines, and that appropriate institutional committees have approved them. Authors should include a statement in the manuscript indicating that informed consent has been obtained for human experiments. The privacy rights of human subjects must always be respected.
  3. Authors are required to provide original data related to the paper during the editorial review process and should be prepared to make these data publicly available if feasible, and in any case should be prepared to retain these data for a reasonable period after publication.
  4. Authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, this should be appropriately cited or quoted. Unauthorized copying or rewriting of significant portions of another person's paper (without attribution) is prohibited. Any form of plagiarism constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
  5. In general, authors should not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting or concurrently reviewing the same paper is unprofessional and strictly prohibited. Papers already published in certain national or international journals should not be submitted to any other journal for consideration. This is considered a violation of novelty.
  6. Authorship should be limited to those who have made substantial contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors or acknowledged. The corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and agree to submit it for publication.

Editorial Responsibilities

Editor’s Responsibilities to Authors

1)Editors should organize peer review expeditiously and make editorial decisions according to the policies and guidelines of the journal’s editorial board.

2)Editors should evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without considering the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, or citizenship.

3)Editors and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.

Editor’s Responsibilities to Reviewers

1)Editors should distribute manuscripts to reviewers according to their research fields and scientific interests.

2)Editors should require reviewers to be cautious about potential conflicts of interest and to avoid them when possible.

3)Editors should establish flexible time schedules for reviewers and ensure they have sufficient time to complete the review work.

Peer Reviewed Experts’Responsibilities

  1. Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be shown to or discussed with others except as authorized by the editor.
  2. Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Referees should express their views clearly with supporting arguments.
  3. Any selected referee who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the editor and excuse himself from the review process.
  4. Clear opinions should be given by reviewers based on scientific facts, with an objective and fair attitude.
  5. Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the paper.
  6. Reviewers are responsible for adhering to peer review guidelines and completing review work in a timely manner.

Peer Review Process

  1. Papers published in Journal of Electric Power Science and Technology are solely based on their academic value and their relevance to the scope of the journal. "Journal of Electric Power Science and Technology" adopts a double-blind peer review method. This means that reviewers do not know the names of authors, and authors do not know who may review their manuscripts. Peer review follows the procedure described below.
  2. All submitted manuscripts are first evaluated by the editorial staff to save authors and peer reviewers time. Papers deemed by the editors to be insufficiently original, outside the scope of the journal, or otherwise inappropriate will be rejected within 7 days without external review. Those papers that meet the minimum standards will be sent for formal review.
  3. The editor usually selects two potential peer reviewers in the research area to peer review the manuscript, but sometimes more are selected if necessary. If one of the reviewers is unable to provide an evaluation or has a conflict of interest with the author, the review process will be withdrawn and the editor will send the manuscript to a new reviewer.
  4. The anonymous review period by external experts is 1 to 3 months. Some manuscripts require revision by the author based on the opinions of experts and the editorial board. Authors should submit manuscript revision comments and feedback forms, and attach detailed correspondence with expert opinions.
  5. During the final review process, the Editor-in-Chief will consider the peer review reports and the Editor's recommendations when making a decision, but will not be bound by the opinions or recommendations. A decision of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the author.

Corrections and retractions

  • If there are errors, academic misconduct or suspected fraud in published articles, the editorial department will investigate and send an email to the author. The author has the opportunity to address this issue.
  • If only some errors (such as spelling errors, grammatical errors or statistical errors, etc.) do not seriously affect any findings of the article, the journal will correct the errors and update the revised content to minimize the time of misleading others, and publicly issue the correction to readers Notice to ensure all readers are aware of the correction.
  • If there are serious circumstances such as data falsification or serious plagiarism, the editorial department will withdraw the manuscript and issue a retraction notice. The magazine will issue a public apology and assure readers that such an error will not happen again.

Complaints Policy

Readers and authors can report any inappropriate behavior or unethical behavior by sending an email to dlxb04@163.com. The editorial department will take any complaints seriously and handle them in an independent, fair and transparent manner, and will promptly inform the complainant of the results. Authors, editors and reviewers should disclose any potential conflicts of interest when submitting or accepting a manuscript to ensure transparency and impartiality in scholarly research. The journal will identify potential conflicts, disclose them, evaluate them and take appropriate action to ensure that there are no conflicts of interest between editors and reviewers and to ensure academic segregation.