

integrated energy system, wind power, solid oxide fuel cell, damping characteristic


The integrated energy system can integrate multiple kinds of energy sources and effectively improve the utilization efficiency of renewable energy generation, and represents a significant means to promote the sustainable development of energy. The research on the impacts of multienergy connected on the power system has become an essential part for the development of the integrated energy system. In this paper, the damping characteristics of an integrated energy system with hybrid windfuel cells integrated are studied. The mathematical models of wind turbines and fuel cells are constructed and the stability analysis model of small disturbance then derived. The damping characteristics of the interconnected power system with wind power units and fuel cells under different operating conditions are studied for a sample power system, including different capacity ratios, different access modes, and different levels of tieline transmission power, using the eigenvalue analysis and timedomain simulation. The research results can provide a reference for the integrated energy system to accommodate renewable energy and operate stably.



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