

protective layer induced voltage, cross connect ground, optimization scheme, protective layer circulation, PSCAD


In order to reduce the induced voltage at the metal sheath of cables, as well as the circulation current of sheath in the cross interconnected grounding mode, the grounding mode of sheath is modified for the reconstruction of cable lines. Based on the defects of cross interconnection grounding in t he practical application, three kinds of the optimization scheme for grounding protection are proposed. There are the grounding of one side of the protective layer through the compensating inductance, single terminal grounding through the cross connection, and grounding at each section. The simulation models are built by utilizing PSCAD simulation software to study the voltage and circulation current at sheaths under different schemes. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that those three kinds of cable sheath grounding can effectively suppress the metal sheath end induction high voltage. The sheath circulation current produced after the line reconstruction can be reduced. The optimization schemes for cable sheath grounding can be utilized as the engineering practice in the future direction of promotion.



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