

power to gas, spinning reserve, wind power accommodation, low carbon effects


In recent years, the development of P2G technique has succeed a bidirectional energy flow between electricity and natural gas. It also enhances the coupling between the power and gas systems. P2G technique is a new approach which can rise up wind power accommodation. Under this circumstance, the economic dispatch model is proposed with the consideration of the electric and gas network constraints and energy transform equation of P2G. Its objective function aims to minimize the system operation costs of integrated electricitygas network embedded P2G. Besides, based on the interior point algorithm, Matlab simulation is included for this model. The test consists of an IEEE 39bus electric network and a Belgian 20bus gas network. Based on the proposed model, the wind power accommodation and low carbon effects is analyzed by considering the carbon captured by P2G under the given 5 scenarios. It is shown that the feasibility and availability is verified for the increasing wind power accommodation and low carbon effects in network with an embedded P2G.



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