

LLC resonant converter, fundamental harmonic approximation, mode analysis, voltage gain accuracy


The LLC resonant converter can achieve softswitching while it operates in highfrequency and then improves the power density and efficiency of power supply. The fundamental approximation and mode analysis are two classic analysis methods of LLC resonant converter, but the comparative studies in the voltage gain accuracy, efficiency and application is not intensively discussed. On this background, the principle of the above methods is illustrated firstly. Then, the operation mode of LLC resonant converter is analyzed in PSIM simulation environment. Based on the operation modes, the voltage gain accuracy of the two methods is compared in simulation. Finally, the resonant parameters are selected based on the peak voltage gain, and a 1.5 kW/28 V prototype is set up. The experimental results show that actual gain is higher than the gain curve based on FHA 10% to 15% below the resonant zone, and have high accordance with the voltage gain based on the mode analysis in whole frequency range. And the iterative parameters based on mode analysis have higher efficiency with the experimental prototype.



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