

power-to-gas, integrated energy system, wind curtailment accommodation, low -carbon operation, wind curtailment start-stop device, gas turbine


Benefit from the high proportion of natural gas application and the carbon absorption capacity a of P2G (power to gas, P2G), the integrated energy system has become an emerging platform for wind accommodation and low-carbon emissions.This paper presents a low-carbon operation dispatch model for integrated electrical-gas energy systems considering wind power curtailment.The minimum operation cost of power unit, wind power curtailment and carbon emissions are chosen as the objective. Meanwhile,the concept of P2G start-stop of wind curtailment and carbon trading market is introduced to enable the system accommodate more wind power and reduce carbon emissions.This model is solved by the multi-objective particle CPLEX solver from the YALMIP toolbox and simulated under 3 different scenarios to verify that the proposed model has the ability to absorb the redundant wind power and significantly reduce carbon emissions. Finally, carbon emissions and economic benefits of P2G with/without wind curtailment start-stop device are compared. It is shown that system operator should set wind curtailment start-stop device if the carbon trading price is high so as to avoid carbon emission increasing from P2G during daytime when there is no wind curtailment.



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