

lcl filter, no bad beat prediction control, grid-connected inverter, voltage observer


When analyzing the traditional three-phase grid-connected inverter model system, it is found that the use of a control strategy based on the orientation of the flux linkage of the virtual grid can effectively reduce the additional cost of the system and greatly improve the operation reliability of the system. However, when analyzing the traditional flux linkage observation without compensation, the phase angle offset problem is likely to cause system errors. In order to solve the problem, the flux linkage observer model scheme with LPF compensation is proposed in this paper, and the new design of capacitor voltage observer and grid voltage observer is studied. Combined with the deadbeat predictive current control algorithm, the traditional deadbeat control has been deeply studied, and it is found that there is a certain degree of control delay. An improved deadbeat current predictive control is proposed for improvement, and increase the sampling current at the time of prediction k+2 to make the anti-disturbance performance better. Finially, the experiments of the three-phase without AC voltage sensor estimation strategy combined with the improved deadbeat predictive current control algorithm is carried out, and the experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.



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