

wind power consumption, optimal configuration of energy storage capacity, integrated demand response, regional integrated energy system


The application of energy storage optimization configuration and demand?side response in the integrated energy system can decouple the constraints of "heating to determine power" in the operation of combined heat and power (CHP) units, and improve energy utilization efficiency. Therefore, taking the performance of power generation, heating, electricity consumption and heat consumption on both sides of the source and charge into account, installing the electricity?heat energy storage equipment on the source side to realize the thermoelectric decoupling of CHP, and fully utilizing the dispatching value of the electricity?heat integrated demand response (IDR) resources on the load side, an optimal configuration model for electric and thermal energy storage capacity of regional integrated energy systems considering the integrated demand responses is established. The model considers the constraints of electricity storage and heat storage, power balance constraints, etc., and aims to minimize the total annual cost of the regional comprehensive energy system to solve the problem of optimal economic allocation of electricity and thermal energy storage. The results of case study show that coordinated operation of multiple energy storage and load side can reduce operating cost, and considering the integrated demand response reduces the configuration capacity of energy storage. The energy storage configuration on the source side and the integrated demand response on the load side promote wind power consumption, and improve the economy, precision and flexibility of the integrated energy system operation.



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