

electric heating load, optimal dispatch, user behavior difference, distribution network flow


As a high?quality demand response resource, electric heating load groups can improve the operation of distribution network through optimization dispatch. In order to achieve reasonable dispatching of electric heating loads, an optimal strategy for electric heating load groups that takes into account user behavior difference and distribution network flow is proposed. At first, the prediction mechanism of the controllable capacity of electric heating load is analyzed. Secondly, according to the influencing factors of user demand response behavior, the users are integrated into multiple electric heating load aggregates, and the thermal comfort design and controllable capacity solution of each group are carried out. Considering the power flow constraints of the distribution network, an optimal dispatch model for electric heating load groups with the goal of minimizing load fluctuations is established. The example analysis shows that the optimal scheduling model can improve the accuracy of electric heating load response prediction, improve the effect of peak?cutting and valley filling in the distribution network, and is conducive to the economic and safe operation of the system.



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